benzyl alcohol
what is it?
Benzyl alcohol is an organic alcohol found naturally in many fruits and teas. Benzyl alcohol is derived from fruit and is considered a safer preservative than parabens.
As with most ingredients, benzyl alcohol is capable of causing irritation at certain concentrations to those with sensitive skin, however, it is considered one of the preservatives with least risk for sensitivity in skincare.
what does it do?
Benzyl alcohol is used in BRAHSTON body products as a natural and organic solvent and preservative with some antioxidant properties.
BRAHSTON uses benzyl alcohol because it is a natural and safer preservative option than parabens. In addition, benzyl alcohol works well with most other ingredients in emollients and imparts a natural, somewhat-sweet odor that helps complement products’ aroma.
what do the experts say?
+ The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel
+ EWG Skin Deep® Cosmetics Database
According to EWG, benzyl alcohol is rated as a 4-6 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest risk to health and 10 being the highest. The poorer score is due to its ability to act as an allergen or irritant to certain individual's with sensitive skin at high concentrations.
+ Paula's Choice Skincare Ingredient Dictionary